Tuesday, 12 May 2009

meat + fire = broil/roast

Fresh from the Naxiology desk, comes the latest "interesting similarities between the Chinese and Dongba scripts" post.

Time for another ideogrammic compound - this time its meat + fire. Which, in Chinese, gives us 炙 zhi, and in Dongba we get bʏ˧ (Dongba on the left!).

Here we can again see the slightly more explicit, less stylised "pictographic" Dongba character, but the elements in the Chinese character are easily identifiable too.

The Dongba character is a little more complex, but (I think) easier to remember - and you can almost smell that meat!

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Quotes of the week, from Lijiang's local rag

Normally, I don't like local newspapers. And I used to work for one. But the Lijiang Weekly News 丽江新闻周报 has a few things going for it - well, on reflection one thing going for it - it's short. Whilst the news is excruciatingly local - this week there is a full page story on how some people are illegally crossing at a cordoned off pedestrian crossing (crimony!) - the back page has a neat 'quotes of the week' column. Here are a few (I especially like the Mencius one, mostly because it reminds me of the 三字经 and I'm a general fan of 典故):

Putting one's heart into running a company whilst at university is a form of fruitless masochism.
- Dean of the China People's University and doctoral supervisor, professor Ji Baocheng

China is already leading the field in terms of economic recovery
- Zhang Yutai, director of China's Development Research Centre

Practically all the housing constructed from the end of 2007 to 2008 cut corners on materials and labour
- a contractor reveals the shady side of China's real estate industry

We're even more exhausted than Mencius' mother
- the parents of a Beijing primary school student explain: "she [Mencius' mother] moved house three times to choose suitable neighbours for her son's upbringing, we have moved house to be next to a good school - but from primary school all the way to university, we're going to need to move more than three times..."

It is you who saved Nanjing! Nanjing!
- director Lu Chuan, referring to the general public's "unexpectedly" warm reception to his new film

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Joseph Rock's residence

I suppose anyone studying Naxi or Dongba script in Lijiang has to make the pilgrimage to Joseph Rock's 'former residence'; so that's just what I did yesterday. The Chinese like their 'former residences', but there wasn't too much to see at this one (which, thinking back to some of the former residences I've been to in my time, may actually have been a blessing in disguise).

Joseph Rock is a bit of a legend in these parts - he's widely praised for promoting Naxi studies and producing the first dictionary of the Dongba script, which is still the most complete (his dictionary has over 3,000 entries, compared to the 1,300 odd in Fang Guoyu's - note, Fang's is a record 字谱, not a dictionary 字典), but he was something of an eccentric, and plenty of his theories regarding the script have since been discredited (he believed the Geba phonetic script to be older than the logographic Dongba script). He never really produced any publishable translations, either, which irks me personally, because basically zero full English translations of Dongba literature exist today, and he had a wonderful opportunity to do some really accurate translations, with the help of Dongba priests.

That kind of opportunity will probably never come again - Li laoshi tells me that there are no true 'Dongba' left, and as an aside, Rock was a self-appointed 'doctor', never having studied for a doctorate. That said however, without Rock I wouldn't have been drawn to studying the Dongba script myself, and some say his articles inspired James Hilton's Lost Horizon, which is a fantastic novel.

Rock was allegedly a real eccentric, never travelling anywhere without a full set of silverware and a rubber bathtub (thanks wikipedia); but from what's left of his former residence in Yuhu village 玉湖村, none of the luxuries seem to have survived. There's a table, a chair, an old carpet and a dusty bed. Be forewarned: the picture below is what it will cost you 15 RMB to see in person (apologies for blurriness - a pox upon you, camera phone!).

Yep, that one room. That's all there was to the former residence. Luckily, I didn't actually pay for a ticket, because the ever so helpful village tourism director took me round for free.

The local villagers of Yuhu have been empowered by tourism, but only to a limited extent - tourism here amounts to a glimpse of rural Naxi life, which is of course free unless they erect a toll booth at the village entrance (this is by no means beyond the local authorities), and horse riding. Practically every household has a horse, and consequently every villager will ask you if you want to ride one.

Despite all this, Yuhu is actually far more pleasant than Lijiang's theme park of an old town ( 大研古城), the horrifically expensive Shuhe ancient town (束河古镇), and the foreign tourist honeypot of Baisha (白沙). Give it ten years, though, and you'll have to dig even deeper to find that elusive pocket of traditional Naxi life.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Walking with Mao

On October 1st 1951, Naxi scholar and general historian extraordinaire Fang Guoyu went to Beijing, as part of a delegation of ethnic minorities, to attend the second anniversary of the founding of the PRC. Fang was a representative of the Naxi minority, and on the eve of the anniversary, he presented Chairman Mao with a silk banner (锦旗), upon which the following sentence was written in the Dongba script:
ŋə˧˩ gɯ˧ zi˧ be˧ ŋʏ˧˩ gu˧˩ dʐi˧ bə˧

Let's break it down (apologies for the formatting here; but Blogspot is useless at this and I don't feel like messing around with the HTML):

ŋə˧˩ gɯ˧ "We"
The character for 'I', resembling a person pointing at themselves. The character for crack/split (resembling a crack in a piece of wood), which here is a loan character representing the Naxi plural marker.

zi˧ be˧ "Always"
The character for grass and the character for 'to do'; both loan characters that together mean 'always' in Naxi.

ŋʏ˧˩ gu˧˩ "behind you"
The character for silver, loan character for 'you', and the character for 'carry on the back', the meaning of which is extended to 'behind'.

dʐ˧ bə˧ "want to walk"
The character for 'to walk', followed by the character for 'sole of the foot', which here is a loan character for 'want to go'.

So the whole sentence should be:
"We will always walk with you" or, if you mix it round a bit, "You'll never walk alone".

Here you can see the reliance on phonetic loan characters; and of course that the verb is at the end of the sentence - like Tibetan, Naxi sentences follow the basic SOV structure.

In his dictionary, Fang says that of all the times he used the Donbga script, this occasion was the most profound.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

On language and forested mountains

I've been formally learning the Dongba script for about a month now; and it's been well worth the effort. It is, like Chinese, a very different language to anything I was previously familiar with, and it's full of unique words and expressions.

While it's probably useless economically, and in a corporate environment (why does the very word corporate send shivers down my spine?), it's useful in that it provides a perspective on the development of Chinese, and it has value as a tool for comparative research into oracle bone script.
One of the things that Li laoshi has been stressing is an understanding of Xu Shen's 六书 (the six categories of Chinese character classification) when analysing Dongba characters, so I can thank Dr Fuerher for having prepared me with the basics back on my MA course.

Language is very much informed by local geography. like the common cliched half-truth that Eskimos have loads of words for 'snow', the Dongba script and Naxi has lots of words for mountains. One of these words is a particular favourite: a mountain covered in trees.

The pronunciation is: sər˧ dzi˧˩ dʑy˧˩ ʂər˥ (repeated)

I love this character because it encapsulates why I dislike hiking in certain parts of China - especially Zhejiang (I'm only singling out Zhejiang because I used to live there). This is because the mountains are covered in trees, so much so that no sane person would ever think that a ramble to the top would be a fun or interesting thing to do. What are you going to do when you reach the summit? Admire the trees? And what exactly are you going to do about those nasty snake and insect bites that you collected scrambling through all that foliage? No, densely forested mountains do not a happy rambler make.

Photo: a mountain in Anji, Zhejiang.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Heaven and earth

Lesson one from Popular Dongba Script 通俗东巴文. This textbook is apparently the book that kids use when learning Naxi and Dongba script as an extra-curricular class in Lijiang. Naturally, it's not a popular class - but hey, if nobody learns it, then it's gone for good...

Have a listen (the first three characters that make up the title are not read out).

It's a short reading from a Dongba scripture: Heaven and earth. Written from left to right.

The translation should go something like this:

"In the high heavens, the stars appear;
the stars shine bright today.
On the broad earth, the grass grows;
the grass is green today."